29 December 2009

I haven't written anything in this blog for months. In fact, I haven't even thought about this blog in months. I still play around with some of my "Things." MySpace isn't the cool place to be any longer and everyone I knew on that site is on FaceBook now. I use that a lot to find out what my kids are up to and to send messages to people and I play Farmville. I wish I didn't, but I do. It takes up more of my time than I have to waste but I enjoy it and I send cows and trees to my FarmVille Friends and plan my harvests around the times I will have access to a computer. I usually try to use my time more constructively, I read or knit while I watch TV. I love to watch TV but I feel like I can't justify watching it without doing something else at the same time. Time is so precious. There is never enough of it to do everything I'd like to do and to learn everything I'd like to learn.