23 June 2009

Thing 45

The idea of the cloud seems reasonable if one wants to keep all their files in one easily assessable place. I've seen commercials where people are devastate to lose all the info stored in their computers and I think to myself, "Why not just store the files on a website?" That's what I do because I don't have my own computer although I don't store very much. If I had anything I worried about losing I would use a backup system (my son bought me my own flash drive so I can store all the grandkids' photos).
I still worry about computer security. Just doing these "Things" programs has put me on so many sites and my information is floating around out there in cyberspace. I have done a little banking on-line and some shopping but it makes me uneasy. I know my information is already on bank and merchant computers whether or not I use the computer because they put my info in their computers, but I still try to be careful. I use a computer every day at work and I have been learning about all these tools but I still do not trust it for my personal business. And I really don't want anyone knowing about every website I visit and reading every e-mail I send or receive.