I have glanced through the suggested sites for continuing my quest to learn more about the internet and all that it offers. I have found these 23 Things to be overwhelming at times, there is SO MUCH information out there, it is difficult to sort it all out. Thanks for guiding me through some of it. But I have enjoyed exploring some of it. I feel I should be writing in depth about how to use what I've learned here in the library. I'm still figuring it out. For now I will continue to visit my favorites of these sites, share what I've learned with patrons and co-workers, and decide if I really need all the networking accounts I have accumulated. It's been fun.
I would do this again, in fact, I signed up for More Things On A Stick but wanted to finish the first 23 things before I go on. I only started this because several of my co-workers said this would be really good training. I lost them somewhere along the way and I've taken far longer than I planned but I finally finished and I will go on. Amidst the frustration of some much information and so little time, I enjoyed the experience (most of the time) but I am still a Luddite at heart.