07 July 2009


I have been playing around with my blog today. This "Things" stuff has been a lot of fun for me and I plan to finish even though I've missed the deadline both times. I've done it on my own, too. My co-workers and I planned to work on the 23 Things at the same time so we could help each other if necessary, but I ended up being the only one to do it. Everyone else got their blog and avatar and stopped. Same thing with More Things, but I am glad I kept on going. Frankly, I don't know that I'll use much of this stuff at the library or even just for me, but at least I learned some things I'll use and I became familiar with things I had heard about and, until this program, had no clue what they were. And who knows, maybe the experience I've gained will help me in the future in ways I can't forsee now.